Our Outreach efforts
xx April 2022
Dear Rotary Club President (Secretary)
We are writing to offer a timely program for presentation at one of your regular meetings.
Before the horror unfolded in the Ukraine 6 weeks ago, many did not realize that February 1st 2022 marked the one-year anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar (formerly Burma); many of the weapons the military has been using in their brutal repression of the Burmese people come from Russia.
Villages have been destroyed, people murdered. Many people have fled and are now refugees, but not welcomed or recognized in neighboring countries. In Chin state alone, on the border with India, —- 6,000 people are living in makeshift camps in the mountainous region along the border; they are tolerated but not recognized by the Indian government.
There biggest need at this moment is food, rice. Most likely they will remain in these camps for months, possibly years, and the earliest they would be able to harvest a crop of this staple is a year from now.
Through a partnership of the Rochester Northwest Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Aziwal India, Health and Hope UK, and the United Nations Association of Rochester, we are raising money
to be channeled through Rotary to purchase this much needed food. We have put together a short program to visually demonstrate the conditions in Myanmar and
Please contact:
Paul Minor
Past President Rochester Northwest Rotary
Past Assistant Governor, Area 13
District 7120
Thank you,
Paul Minor
David Baronov, St John Fisher College
Margaret Corbin, UNAR